Artheroslcerosis xxx (2012) 1-5. Volume 105, Issue 9, 1 may 2013, Hausen, Harold zur & Villiers, Ethel-Michele de "Daily cattle serum and milk factors contributing to the risk of colon and breast cancers". Volume 3. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, CASOMORPHIN MAY PLAY A ROLE IN SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) AND AUTISM, Greger, M.D., Michael "Cow's Milk Casomorphin & Autism". American Cancer Society sponsors: Tyson (meat) and Yum! June 2014, "Dairy Checkoff Leader Tells Farmers From Across the Country How They Can Help Grow Sales and Trust". The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Regarding this particular promotion, we understand that one of the criticisms has been the association with a sugary product, which many have associated with contr DAIRY LINKED TO MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF CANCER, Kroenke, Candyce H, et al "High-and Low-Fat Dairy Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality After Breast Cancer Diagnosis". Continue reading >>, KFC and PepsiCo donate to diabetes research in exchange for your soda purchase (NaturalNews) It could be one of the most ironically insulting "gifts" ever, but what it is, for certain, is a pathetic shame. February 25, 2016, Flynn, Dan "Slicing Into Food Industry's $40 Million Lobbying Efforts". Know more. Continue reading >>, The latest in cause marketing: KFC, Pepsi, and diabetes I collect things like thisexamples of food company marketing alliances with health and nutrition organizations that by all rights should be advising their members and clients not to eat much of the companys products. We also provide transportation grants to local healthcare systems partners to provide transportation assistance to their patients. World Health Organization, SWINE FLU (H1N1) ORIGINATED IN NORTH CAROLINA, Greger, M.D., Michael "CDC Confirms Ties to Virus First Discovered in U.S. Neurobiology of Aging. The Permanente Journal. In 1999, the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., launched its initiative to fight cancer in memory of Tyrone Kee, a member who lost his battle with the disease. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Barnard, Neal, et al "Meat Consumption as a Risk for Diabetes". Industry-funded stu I cant wait for them to be on my side of the country! Vol. There are also heart healthy recipes for beef dishes on the American Heart Association website. Volume 17. The American Cancer Society is committed to improving the lives of people with cancer and their families and moving us closer to a world without cancer. 1974;133(5): 758-790, Greger, M.D, Michael "Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us into Shape". International Diabetes Federation. National Cancer Institute, Greger, M.D, Michael "Fast Food Tested for Carcinogens". Say it aint so ADA! The founders Erica Welton and Dennis Hoover are formerly from Costco and spearheaded bringing organic offerings there, helping to make it the largest organic retailer in America. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. European Heart Journal (2009) 30, 834-839, "Diabetes in the UK 2010: Key statistics on diabetes". Vol 280. June 2000 vol. Road to Recovery connects cancer patients in need of transportation to treatment with volunteers to get them there. Together, were making a difference and you can, too. American Journal of Epidemiology. American Heart Association, USDA DIETARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS HAVE RECEIVED MONEY FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTS, SUGAR AND ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES, "Advisor Committee for Dietary Guidelines 2015". Like a lot of Americans, I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, so it was important to me to learn more, Andersen, who co-directed What the Health with Keegan Kuhn, said in a press statement. 2015, "IARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat". At 1000g/liter = 27.06g Casein/liter, "Comparitive Lactation-Humans". May 21st, 2013, SUPPRESSION OF HUMAN PROSTATE CANCER AND BREAST CANCER CELL GROWTH GIVEN THE BLOOD OF A VEGAN,IN VITRO, Ornish, Dean, et al "Intensive Lifestyle Changes May Affect the Progression of Prostate Cancer". pizza and cookies? Why else would the ADA promote a high carb, grain-based meal plan to diabetics? video. Cusack, Leila, et al "Blood type diets lack supporting evidence: a systematic review". Its almost unbelievable that the ADA endorses this campaign at all, but it does . The Association of Community Cancer Centers . October 30, 2014, Bienkowski, Brian "Pig Poop Fouls North Carolina Streams". Volume 10. February 18, 2015, THERE IS A DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER OF HOG FACILITIES LOCATED NEAR COMMUNITIES OF COLOR AND LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES, Macneil, Caeleigh "Hog waste threatens North Carolina's rural poor". We are so grateful for Cindy Keene and #KeeneBuildingProducts for their continuous support of 1 No. January 10, 2010, VITAMIN INTAKE, OVERALL NUTRITION GO UP ON A PLANT-BASED DIET FROM A MEAT-BASED DIET, Tuso, MD, Phillip J, et al "Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets". Center for Food Safety. The Guardian. The Lancet Oncology. The American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association also receive funding from pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Merck, Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, and Abbott, which reportedly rake in billions of dollars by marketing medications for the very diseases that the medical groups are trying to fight, notes AlterNet. People working together to help raise money for the ADA, as if $31 million from Big Pharma isnt enough . Hoard's Dairyman. Volume 15. Can You Eat Butternut Squash With Diabetes. Cancer can be difficult to understand. Continue reading >>, Despite the fact that America has a severe obesity problem , fueled in part by the overconsumption of sugar, several prominent public health groups (including some that are government-run) have accepted money from soda companies in recent years. With your gift, we can help reduce the burden of colorectal cancer for everyone. December 16th, 1998. National Resources Defense Council, COMMERCIAL ANIMALS ARE LARGELY FED GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GMO) CORN AND SOY, "Contribution ofGM Technology to the Livestock Sector". [1] 2015 Dec 6; 55(14): 1955-1967, "Breaking the Cheese Addiction: Step 3 Cleansing the Palate". ACS does not endorse any products or services. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. video. Arch Intern Med. Barnard, Neal D, et al "A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial". Here are excerpts from the response from JDRF: We appreciate your concerns and your questions about the banner promoting a JDRF fundraising activity at KFC. Diet Doctor, THE NUMBER ONE SOURCE OF SATURATED FAT IS DAIRY, "Top Food Sources of Saturated Fat in the U.S." Harvard T.H. Continue reading >>, One serving of processed meats a day increases your risk of developing diabetes by 51%. WebMD, Greger, M.D., Michael "Where Do You Get Your Fiber?". We fund innovative, high-impact research to find more - and better - treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve the quality of life for people facing cancer. Ukrainian patients:Get help. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION REPORT HAS CLASSIFIED BACON & SAUSAGE AS CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS, Aubrey, Allison. October 6, 2016, RICH ROLL: ULTRA-ENDURANCE ATHLETE AUTHOR, FINDING ULTRA & PLANTPOWER WAY, Volpe, Heidi "The Plant-Based Ultraman" Outside. Volume 3. 12, Issue 12, Kempner, M.D, Walter "Treatment of Hypertensive Vascular Disease with Rice Diet". video. Department of City and Regional Planning. The American Cancer Society is the only cancer-fighting organization discovering new ways to prevent cancer, fight and treat cancer, and improve the quality of life for people living with cancer. February 8, 2013, FORMER CHIEF USDA MEAT INSPECTOR:MAD-COW DISEASE WHISTLEBLOWER NAME WITHHELD TO PROTECT IDENTITY. He finally lines up an interview with an official at the American Diabetes Association. July 3rd, 2013, ANIMAL PRODUCTS ARE PROMOTED THROUGH FEDERAL (USDA) COMMODITY CHECKOFF PROGRAMS, Sabet, Michael "Understanding The Federal Commodity Checkoff Program". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. american cancer society sponsors kfc. Environmental Working Group, Greger, M.D, Michael "Thousands of Vegans Studied". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Andersen calls each of the organizations for an explanation but does not get answers. 2009 May; 89(5): 1453-1458, IF YOU EAT MEAT CHANCES OF GETTING CANCER IF YOU'RE A MAN 1 IN 2, IF YOU'RE A WOMAN 1 IN 3, "Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk". Human Papillomavirus can cause 6 types of cancer. Journal of The American Dietic Association. The Diabetes Care Project. . Purdue University:Center on Aging and the Life Course, Herman, Jeff "Saving U.S. Dietary Advice from Conflicts of Interest". (2011), 105, 15-23, BLOOD VESSEL DEMENTIA CAUSED BY CLOGGING-UP OF ARTERIES FROM STEADY STREAM OF FAT AND CHOLESTEROL, Morris, Martha Claire, Tangney, Christine C, "Dietary fat composition and dementia risk". Volume 19. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, "What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish". The American Cancer Society is pleased to collaborate with Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Inc., to help finish the fight against cancer. National Institue of Environmental Health Science. American Diabetes Association. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, FOR WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD BREAST CANCER, JUST ONE SERVING OF WHOLE DAIRY A DAY CAN INCREASE THEIR CHANCE OF DYING FROM THE DISEASE 49%,AND DYING FROM ANY DISEASE 64%, Kroenke, Candayce H., et al "High-and Low-Fat Dairy Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality After Breast Cancer Diagnosis". Become a volunteer, make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in a fundraising event to help us save lives. Amanda Righetti. Working Together in the Fight to Stop Diabetes Managing diabetes is all about makin Unilever 2015, "National Supporters and Sponsors". Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Become a volunteer, make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in a fundraising event to help us save lives. 11. June 2015, Coleman, Rob "Food Lobby Spends $101 Million in 2015 to Avert GMO Labeling". American Diabetes Association, OVER 17 MILLION PEOPLE DIE EVERY YEAR FROM CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics". Contact us toll-free at 1-888-939-3333 . video. "Every 17 Seconds, Someone Receives This News. ACS does not endorse any products or services. Wikipedia, LIQUID PIG MANURE IS PUMPED INTO WASTE PITS THAT LEACH INTO RIVERS AND STREAMS AND THEN SPRAYED UNFILTERED ONTO NEARBY FIELDS, Peach, Sara "What to Do About Pig Poop? Together, were making a difference and you can, too. Any links to non-ACS sites are provided as a courtesy. October 11th, 2016, "Plant-Based Diets Cut Hyperthyroid". 2nd edition. Energy Justice Network, "Toxic Substances Portal-Polychlorinated Biphenyls". Volume 12. ATLANTA, Sept. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Cancer Society (ACS), with the generous support of million-dollar sponsors Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, the National Football League (NFL), Merck (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada), Novartis Oncology and Pfizer Oncology, is spearheading a comprehensive movement to dramatically and swiftly increase cancer screening . They are also interested in promoting ACS career opportunities to the Link membership. Its one thing to promote cookies and pizza behind closed doors in the organizing meetings but the American Diabetes Association wouldnt pimp this junk in public right? medical hypotheses. Vol. According to the documentary, the corporate donors of these medical associations include junk food companies such as Dannon Yogurt (American Diabetes Association), Domino's (American Heart Association), KFC (American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen), Kraft (American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association), Oscar Mayer (American Diabetes Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Broxmeyer, Lawrence "Thinking the unthinkable: Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jacob and Mad Cow disease: the age-related reemergence of virulent Foodborne, bovine tuberculosis or losing your mind for the sake of a shake or a burger". began rethinking how it raises money from companies, especially from those whose primary business is selling foods and beverages that are high in calories, even if they have created some sugar-free items. Volunteer and Fundraising Impact 1.5M volunteers 1.7M Relay For Life participants globally $8B raised through RFL and MSABC since 1985 400 CEOs of U.S. companies engaged in our mission Nov. 18th, 2015, MEAT AND DAIRY SPEND AT LEAST $557 MILLION ANNUALLY PROMOTING THEIR GOODS THROUGH CHECKOFF PROGRAMS, "The Meatonomic$ Index". 2014 Jun; 13(3): 52-57, 99.4% WERE ABLE TO AVOID MAJOR CARDIAC EVENTS BY GOING PLANT-BASED, Esselstyn Jr, MD, Caldwell B, et al "A way to reverse CAD?". Whether you or someone you love has cancer, knowing what to expect can help you cope. International Journal of Cardiology 99 (2005) 65-70, Greger, M.D, Michael "Eggs & Arterial Function". Vol. Nature. Semanticscholar. The American Diabetes Associationof Orange County Californias event pictures below. Kinsman, Kat "Activists call foul on KFC bucket campaign". CNN. 2013; 5(6): 1840-1855, "What are they pumping into your chicken?" video. He says meat, in particular processed meats, is a major cause of cancer and cardiovascular disease. As part of government regulation to enforce French as the official language of Quebec, the law stated that "all large retailers serve . Cancer continues to be the second most common cause of death in the US. Chicken, he points out, is the top producer of cholesterol in Americans diets. The American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Cancer Society have a shared commitment to empower people with information about cancer they can trust. 336 No. Learn about colonoscopy with this 3D interactive tour. PRESS RELEASE N.240. The American Cancer Society (ACS) unites organizations in collaborative partnerships through its mission-critical national roundtables. Why They Were Wrong". British Medical Journal. November 18th, 2009, AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RECOMMENDS FISH AND POULTRY, MEN WITH A HIGH PROGNOSTIC RISK AND A HIGH POULTRY INTAKE HAD A 4-FOLD INCREASED RISK OF RECURRENCE OR PROGRESSION, Richman, Erin L, et al "Intakes of meat, fish, poultry and eggs andrisk of prostate cancer progression". Support the walk that unites more than 150 communities every year. 2014 Feb: 6(2) 897-910, Petersen, Kitt Falk, et al "Impaired Mitochondrial Activity in the Insulin- Resistant of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes". December 8th, 2009, Dora, Jos G "Vegetarian diets and exposure to organochlorine pollutants, lead and mercury". The partnership with the Southern Region of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is aimed at improving the health of its members and activating their communities to join the fight against cancer. video. is provided courtesy of the Leo and Gloria Rosen family. American Heart Association, THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY SPENDS MORE MONEY ON LOBBYING THAN ANY OTHER SINGLE INDUSTRY, "Lobbying Top Industries". Volume 18. The St. Baldricks Foundation and the American Cancer Society are partnering together to conquer kids cancers. Many public health charities, from the American Heart Association to the Lupus Foundation of America, raise money from businesses. Yet until recently the box featured an American Diabetes Association logo, advertising the cookie as a proud sponsor of the charitys efforts on behalf of the nations 21 million diabetics. June 13, 2012, Dunn, Rob "How to Eat Like a Chimpanzee" Scientific American Guest Blog. Aaron and his coauthor, Dr. Michael Siegel, a professor of community health sciences at the university, decided to look into the issue after a few relationships between soda companies and public health groups came to light. May 8th, 2012, Noni, Ivano De, et al "Review of the potential health impact of B-casomorphins and related peptides". Diabetes rises with daily soda -- including diet soda -- consumption, Even If You're Lean, 1 Soda Per Day Ups Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes, One Mans Stand Against Junk Food as Diabetes Climbs Across India, Eating junk food can damage kidneys as much as diabetes, study finds, Junk food and diabetes: Recommendations and tips for eating out, Raising Awareness On World Diabetes Day With NRS Healthcare. Your loved one's legacy can be a cancer-free world. Learn more about these partnerships and how you too can join us in our mission to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. "Treatments for Dairy Cattle A-Z". . CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING FROM CONDITIONS LINKED TO DAIRY CONSUMPTION, "Milk: Does it Really Do a Body Good?". Regular colorectal cancer screening can help keep people together. Currently, we provide organizational leadership and expert staff support to roundtables focused on breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, HPV vaccination, and patient navigation. 2013, THERE IS A COMMON BELIEF THAT EATING PLANT-BASED IS EXPENSIVE, Paschal, Terrence "Plant Based on a Budget Challenge-Family of 4-Week 1". World Bank Working Paper No. The (Duke) Chronicle. Integrative Medecine: A Clinician's Journal. You might think that KFC is doing a good thing by pledging to help fund diabetes research , but when you figure out they are doing much more to cause diabetes than actually cure it, you have to shake your head in disbelief. According to a recent advertisement spotted in a KFC store, the fast-food chain says it will donate a buck to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation for every meal it sells - along with a "Mega Jug" of Pepsi Cola that contains about 800 calories and about 56 spoonfuls of sugar. The Permanente Journal. Food Safety News. August 2011, Micha, Renata, et al "Unprocessed Red and Processed Meats and Risk of Coronary Artery Disease and Type 2 Diabetes- An Updated Review of the Evidence". To truly change the trajectory of this disease it will take a bold commitment of a strong, passionate network of individuals, organizations and communities united behind a single goal, to STOP DIABETES Find out ways you can join the movement and help us Stop Diabetes. You dont have to face a cancer diagnosis alone. November 2007, Vol. Nature Medicine. What to Do if You are One of Them". Together ACS and the Zetas are engaging African American communities to fight back against cancer by fundraising, education and awareness programs, and supporting ACS CAN's legislative work. ATLANTA - July 27, 2022 - The American Cancer Society (ACS) has . You can help reduce your risk of cancer by making healthy choices like eating right, staying active and not smoking. Tyson Foods, Inc. "Unilever awarded American Heart Association Fit-friendly Award". At the very least, every restaurant out there shoul video. The American Cancer Society is the "nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service." read more. American Cancer Society, "The Genetics of Cancer". Titled "Project S.W.W.A.C." Kentucky Beef Council 2013 Annual Report. Concerns about such issues are relatively recent; few published studies address them directly. December 2013. The Milbank Quarterly. Vol. The McDougall Newsletter. Our Partners | American Cancer Society Sign Up For Email Cancer A-Z Risk, Prevention, & Screening Treatment & Survivorship Programs & Services Our Research Get Involved About Us Cancer Helpline 800.227.2345 Contact Us Espaol More Languages Ver en espaol Our Partners We also provide lodging grants to local healthcare systems partners so they can provide lodging assistance to their patients. The journal published his letter, along with my response , in its current issue. 2006 Oct 14; 333(7252): 763-764, Feskanich, Diane, et al "Calcium, vitamin D, milk consumption, and hip fractures: a prospective study among postmenopausal women". Nutricion Hospitalaria. At the American Cancer Society, we have a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. Scientific American, Gerbens-Leenes, P.W., et al "The water footprint of poultry, pork andbeef: A comparitive study in different countries and production systems". This is not a future that we are willing to accept. Iranian Journal of Public Health. Diabetes UK, ONE SERVING OF PROCESSED MEAT PER DAY INCREASED RISK OF DEVELOPING DIABETES BY 51%, Pan, An, et al "Red meat Consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: 3 cohorts of US adults and an updated meta-analysis". 1 When results are negative, they are less likely to be published. Michael Klaper, M.D. Though Colonel Sanders moved to Canada in 1965, KFC actually opened its first franchise there 12 years prior, in 1953 (via KFC Canada).This was well before the French Language Charter was in place, which The New York Times reports was first passed in 1977. Vol 63, No 7, BY GETTING RID OF HEART DISEASE, THE UNITED STATES WOULD SAVE $48 TRILLION, 3x THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, Murphy, Kevin M. & Topel, Robert "The Economic Value of Medical Research". Big Pharma alone gave ADA $31 million in 2012 I have proof Big Pharma paid the ADA $31 million in 2012, but how do I know the ADA will partner with anyone for money? Celebrity supporters 83. Khlo Strips, Scott Cries and Kim's ''Diabetes'' Confession: Watch the Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 11 Promo! Anna Kendrick. 2023 American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved. Despite the misconception that it is healthier, chicken is not any better for you. Nutrients. "Q & A: Diet, Arthritis and Autoimmune Diseases". April 2015, McMahon, Jeff "Radioactive Strontium Found in Hil, Hawaii Milk". For example, a systematic review comparing industry-funded and nonindustry-funded trials of probiotics in infant formula reported no association of funding source with research quality. The Lancet. Medical Center). January 6th, 2017, "Diet and Diabetes: Recipes for Success". The man doing most of the research in this documentary is interviewing people in North Carolina in a place where lots of pig farms are located. Ornish, Dean, et al "Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? 23, "Halt heart disease with a plant-based, oil-free diet". August 26, 2009, THERE IS APPROXIMATELY THE SAME NUMBER OF HOGS AS PEOPLE IN NORTH CAROLINA, "Quick Facts North Carolina". Vancouver Media Co-op. This exciting initiative helps leverage our mutual commitment to saving lives and reducing health disparities among African Americans. Just because some claim to have less toxins does not make it healthy. We CONDUCT and publish research about cancer risk factors, the quality of life, and cancer survivors through Cancer Prevention Studies (CPS), including CPS-II and CPS-3. The American Cancer Society couldn't do what we do without the support of our partners. But tying charitable giving to one of the most notorious causes of the very disease you are trying to support isjustwro American Diabetes Association, Santora, Marc "In Diabetes Fight, Raising Cash and Keeping Trust". Oct. 2001 vol. June 1, 2003, TESTING SHOWS 88% OF PORK CHOPS, 90% OF GROUND BEEF AND 95% OF CHICKEN BREASTS SAMPLED WERE CONTAMINATED WITH FECAL BACTERIA, "2010 Retail Meat Report". Sugar Does Not Cause Diabetes: Did the Film What the Health Get it Right? 173, No. Let the Great American Smokeout event be your day to start your journey toward a smoke-free life. Gut and Liver. 23 October, 2015. Instead, concerns about industry sponsorship of nutrition research derive from comparisons with the results of studies of funding by tobacco, chemical, drug, or medical device companies. true Would you like to kickstart your fundraising by making a donation? Thats why I was pumped to hear what the new restaurant chain The Organic Coup is doing. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics. American Cancer Society and Melanoma Research Alliance have united to fund lifesaving research aimed at reducing side effects and improving outcomes for patients with melanoma and all patients treated with immunotherapy. You can take advantage of one of the many ways to participate on the site and Bumble Bee Seafoods will make a donation on your behalf. We CONDUCT and publish research on cancer prevention, surveillance, health services, and disparities. Its also important to follow recommended screening guidelines, which can help detect certain cancers early. 2000 Oct 28; 321(7268): 1040, Muntoni, Sandro, et al "Nutritional factors and worldwide incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes". We couldnt do what we do without our volunteers and donors. Volume 4. December 9, 2014, THE DAIRY CHECKOFF PROGRAM GIVES MONEY TO MARKET CHEESE HEAVY PRODUCTS (EXAMPLE: $12 MILLION TO DOMINO'S), Simon, Michelle "Whitewashed: How Industry and Government Promote Dairy Junk Foods". The American Cancer Society Awards $4.2 Million in Grants for Patient Navigation to Hospitals Across the Country. Forbes. Bloomberg. Period. The groups accepting sponsorships included the American Diabetes Association, the National Institutes of Health, the American Red Cross, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and many more ( a full list is printed here ). Amber Riley. Food and Agricultue Organization of the United Nations, THE LARGEST, STRONGEST TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS ON THE PLANET ARE ALL HERBIVORES, Listverse Staff "Top 10 Herbivores You Probably Want To Avoid".
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