AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Black boys post 1938. We pay our respects to all Gadigal elders, past and present, and celebrate the diversity, history and creativity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Kathy Temin, Pavilion garden, 2012, Purchased 2017. Self-Portrait Nude with Amber Necklace 1906, oil on cardboard by Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907) See opening hours Jan MacKay, Dont be too polite girls, 1976, Purchased 1982. Kathy Temin, Tombstone garden, 2012, Purchased 2012. A few individuals are listed under more than one style. Gemma Smith in Part One of Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now. Animals were a popular subject and many women often depicted Australian fauna in ink drawings or linocuts or woodcuts. Woman in Restaurant, 1934 William Dobell (Australian,1899-1970) Tjanpi Desert Weavers is an award-winning, Indigenous governed and directed social enterprise located on the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) lands in Central Australia. Best remembered for his elegant and witty montages of domestic objects and flowers in quasi-surreal still-life paintings, Adrian Feint was also a designer, printmaker and illustrator, creating covers for Art in Australia and The Home magazines and an important body of bookplates. Weitzel made a number of strongly graphic linocuts of urban subjects while living here including the Harbour Bridge, inner-city streets and slums. Australian artists were exposed to international developments in art through publications and from peers returning from studying abroad. Through text, colour and embellishment, other designs referenced biological processes associated with womanhood (reproduction and menstruation) that are rarely discussed publicly but often the basis of discrimination within professional and cultural contexts. Supported by Wesfarmers Arts in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, Mavis Warrngilna Ganambarr, Datiwuy people, Pandanus woven mat, 2008, Purchased 2013, Bronwyn Oliver, Trace, 2001, Purchased 2002; Garland, 2006, Purchased 2008, Bea Maddock, Terra Spirituswith a darker shade of pale, 199398, Gordon Darling Australia Pacific Print Fund 1998, Rosalie Gascoigne, Feathered fence, 1979, Gift of the artist 1994, Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori, Kayardild/Kaiadilt people, Outside Dibirdibi, 2008, Acquired with the Founding Donors Fund 2009, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Anmatyerre people, Untitled (Alhalker), 1992, Collection: Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney. She states that her work is a way to understand art as a human activity rather than something that only Artists do. This idea is also expressed in the Westbury quilt, the earliest work in the exhibition. Becoming Modern is a celebration of the tenacity and innovation of Australian women artists. Here is just a small selection, although difficult to see the detail, of artists which include Helen Ogilvie, Megan Thomas, Ethleen Palmer, Norbertine Bresslern-Roth and Margaret Preston. Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now will continue its evolution as one of the most comprehensive exhibitions of art by women ever assembled in Australia. Anne Ferran, Scenes on the Death of Nature I, 1986, KODAK (Australasia) PTY LTD Fund 1987 Anne Ferran/Copyright Agency. Credits: Text and images taken from the exhibition at the Ballarat Art Gallery and interspersed with my own comments. Sann Mestrom, Me & you, 2018, Purchased 2019. Most of us, especially Australians, are quite familiar with the works of Frederick McCubbin and Tom Roberts members of the Heidelberg School. She has remarked: colour and its interactions have become the content of my work. Explore. "Arts and Country and environment are all one". While Dorrit Black in a more modern style, captured the essence of a windy day at the beach in her lino cut, Wings (1927-28). She was influenced by Japanese prints and the work of Austrian artist Norbertine Bresslern-Roth, whose work was shown in Sydney in the mid 1920s. An iconic artist of the 1980s, Olivia Newton-John is one of the best-selling artists ever, with over 100 million records sold. List Gallery Activity 1. Australian Female Painter. Purchased with funds provided by the Coe and Mordant families 2008, Nell, selfnature is subtle and mysterious, 2010, Purchased 2021, Bess Norriss Tait, Coralie, 190710, Collection: National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Championed by some of her most famous contemporaries, including Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Valadon was no minor artist, and one of the few women painters of the era to receive. The Seven Sisters is an epic ancestral story that has an important underlying teaching element, reinforcing law and cultural structures. John Peter Russell 6. Less well known is Jane Sutherland part of the same group. Awarded city scholarship to National Art School (East Sydney Technical College) 1933 after Fort St Girls High. In 1975, she curated . Lee Krasner, The Seasons (1957). Del Kathryn Barton, the infinite adjustment of the throatand then, a smile, 2019, Courtesy of Del Kathryn Barton and Roslyn Oxley9, Sydney. Tjanpi Desert Weavers: Dorcas Tinnimai Bennett (Ngaanyatjarra people), Cynthia Nyungalya Burke (Ngaanyatjarra people), Roma Yanyakarri Butler (Ngaanyatjarra people), Judith Yinyika Chambers, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Chriselda Farmer (Pitjantjatjara people), Polly Pawuya Jackson, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Joyce James (Ngaanyatjarra and Pitjantjatjara people), Eunice Yunurupa Porter (Ngaanyatjarra people), Winifred Puntjina Reid (Ngaanyatjarra people), Rosalie Richards, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Delilah Shepherd (Ngaanyatjarra people), Erica Ikunga Shorty, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Dallas Smythe (Ngaanyatjarra people), Martha Yunurupa Ward, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Nancy Nangawarra Ward (Ngaanyatjarra people), Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters), 2020, Commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 2020, Tjungkara Ken, Pitjantjatjara people, Seven Sisters, 2012, Purchased 2012, Topsy Tjulyata, Pitjantjatjara people, Kungkarangkalpa: Seven Sisters story, 1992, Purchased 1993, Ken Family Collaborative: Freda Brady (Pitjantjatjara people), Sandra Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Tjungkara Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Paniny Mick (Pitjantjatjara people), Maringka Tunkin (Pitjantjatjara people), Tingila Yaritji Young (Pitjantjatjara people), Seven Sisters, Purchased 2020, Ken Family Collaborative: Freda Brady (Pitjantjatjara people), Sandra Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Tjungkara Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Paniny Mick (Pitjantjatjara people), Maringka Tunkin (Pitjantjatjara people), Tingila Yaritji Young (Pitjantjatjara people), Kangkura-KangkuraKu Tjukurpa A sisters story, 2017, Collection: Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. After moving to Europe in 1884, the artist was warmly welcomed by Parisian high society. Expressionist Painters FAUVES (1905-1907) Henri Matisse (1869-1954) Founder of Fauvism and the leading colourist in modern art. Tracey Moffatt, Something more, 1989, Courtesy of Naomi Milgrom AO, Melbourne. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Perhaps the most prominent Australian female artist of the early 1900's, Margaret Preston is regarded as one of Australia's leading Modernists. After her death, however, the artist's extensive and impressive oeuvre fell into oblivion for the time being. Lets explore the history of the period and some of the female artists that made their mark. An Black reduced these forms to very basic geometric shapes in a compressed picture plane, influenced by the principles of cubism. World Without End: Photography and the 20th Century. With more than 150 artists profiled, the Know My Name book celebrates art by women from across Australia. Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now is part of a series of ongoing gender equity initiatives by the Gallery to increase the representation of all women in its artistic program, collection development and organisational structures. Bush Couture (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Black rainbow opal outfit, 1985, Purchased from Gallery admission charges 1985. Activists, Revolutionaries, and Humanitarians Historical/Getty Images Helen Keller, born in 1880, lost her sight and hearing in 1882. Closed Good Friday & Christmas day This print was reproduced in Harry Tatlock Millers modernist literary and art journal Manuscripts in November 1932. Boyd's work varies from impressionist landscapes of Australia to harsh expressionist figuration, with many pieces including both. Her work has a definitely pop art feel without the cheesiness. It features works by over forty artists, including Margaret Preston, Grace Crowley, Thea Proctor and Grace Cossington Smith. Australian women artists of the early 20th century were ahead of their male counterparts, who were still focused on upholding and preserving the classical British tradition. This is one of only four wood engravings made by Spowers in London between 1929 and 1932. Jo Lloyd, Archive the Archive, 2020, Photographer: Peter Rosetzky. The . We acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Art Gallery of NSW stands. Mollie Gowing Acquisition Fund for Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Rosalie Gascoigne, Monaro, 1989, Collection: Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth. Living in a French country chateau she purchased, Bonheur never married. Music is among Dorrit Blacks most dynamic compositions. Some of the works are signed and dated by Ann herself . A pioneer of community-based art in Australia, Vivienne Binns made Tower of Babel with colleagues, friends and family members whom she described as her personal community of influence, respect and care. Womens portraits and self-portraits reflect different stories and artistic connections. Some of the most famous female painters of the 20th century are Georgia O'Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Kara Walker, and Marina Abramovic. This positioning allowed for a circular reading of the works embroidered text by any member of the public: Dubious letter created its own tacit participatory performance. Many of her works featured African Americans engaged in a wide range of activities. Subscribe here to get the latest news events and exhibitions from National Art School. Barbara Campbells Dubious letter (1992)60 metres of hand-embroidered ribbon tacked together to form a skirt-shaped objectwas suspended from the high ceilings in the Remembering gallery, centred to eye level, with generous space all around. English School (early 20th Century) River landscape. In the early twentieth century, artists including Agnes Goodsir and Bessie Davidson found support outside of Australia, particularly in France, where they were able to live in creative communities, free from expectations of marriage and other heterosexual norms. Know My Name is not a complete account; instead, the exhibition proposes alternative histories, challenging stereotypes and highlighting the stories and achievements of all women artists. Working side by side, the women artists drew on their experience and cultural knowledge to create seven woven figures representing the sisters and a large woven form with small lights above, referencing the Pleiades star cluster. Artist Janet Dawson observed that abstract work is a great joy If you can empty your mind of chatter, and just live with the work for a few minutes, you find this enormous release into a mode of thought that is beyond speech., Installation view: Colour, light and abstraction, Anne Dangar, Plate, c 1935, Gift of Ruth Ainsworth 1998; Plate, c 1932, Gift of Grace Buckley in memory of Grace Crowley 1982; Plate, c 1935, Bequest of Michael Fizelle 1985; Plate, c 1937, Purchased 1978, Dorrit Black, The olive plantation, 1946, Collection: Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. Jessica Clark is an independent curator with a background in art history and art education. Many female artists are still unknown despite creating literal industry-changing masterpieces. ABN: 89 140 179 111 Installation view: Connection with Country, Janet Laurence, Requiem, 2020, Purchased 2021, Nogirra Marawili, Maarrpa people, Baratjala, 2016, Purchased 2017. Installation view: Collaboration and care. Their artistic styles, ideologies and use of medium . Alice Hinton-Bateup, Kamilaroi/Wonnarua peoples, Ruths story, 1988, Gift of Marla Guppy 2019. She began making colour linocuts in 1927, taught by her friend and contemporary Ethel Spowers. From images of young women to those in older age, from artists born in this country to those who have travelled here from other countries, these portraits represent ways of remembering and recognising artists important contributions to our cultural life. The leadership role of women artists in 20th-century Australia has received considerable scholarly attention (Eagle; Topliss). Curated exhibitions have been especially effective in broadening the public's knowledge of the significance of women artists. She's known for creating pastel paintings of women's power suits from the 80's as well as handbags and shoes. Recalling the loss of family, Temin connects architectural forms and tenderness with the act of remembering, her faux-fur works reminiscent of childhood toys, soft to the touch and comforting. Ethleen Palmer studied at East Sydney Technical College and began experimenting with relief printmaking in 1933. Curators: Deborah Hart, Head Curator, Australian Art and Elspeth Pitt, Curator, Australian Art with Yvette Dal Pozzo, Assistant Curator, Australian Art. Linda Jackson, Olga Ayers Rock coat, circle top and dirndl skirt, 1980-81, Purchased 1981. 7 min read. As the feminist artist and activist Ann Newmarch observed, these kinds of works were not intended for an elite educated art gallery audience but [as] a means of expression and communication. Her works were characterised by strong, rhythmic design and sharp graphic contrasts of black and white. Sidney Nolan Anne Ferran, Scenes on the death of nature IV (detail), 1986, KODAK (Australasia) PTY LTD Fund 1987; Purchased 2019. Purchased 1918. The dark shadows cast by the curbside palm fronds in this graphically rhythmical print evoke the unforgiving light of a Sydney summer. Women had a sensitivity for capturing trying times. We will look at Dorrit in more detail in a future blog. For the WOMEN runway presentation they cast cis- and transgender models from a range of cultural backgrounds to represent the ways in which womanhood exists in contemporary society. In order to provide a better user experience, website styles have also been disabled. Presented nearby are portrait miniatures on porcelain and ivory, a form of portraiture intended to be held in the hand or kept close to the body. MGH specializes in 20th century American art and objects. What female artist is best known for painting flowers?. The Frugal Meal (circa 1936) by Hilda Rix Nichols, captures very simple food, at a time when even bread and fruit was often in short supply or families had limited funds. Barbara Campbell, Dubious letter from the performance Cries from the tower, 1992, Purchased 1995. AGNSW collection Vera Blackburn Still life 1933, AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Block for 'Nocturne, Wynyard Square' 1932, AGNSW collection attrib. She lived a long and accomplished life and career. Gemma Smith, Cusp, 2019, Courtesy of Gemma Smith and Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney. The Ann Lee collection. The photo artist's pictures were exhibited in 1967 together with those of Garry Winogrand and Lee Friedlander. Adelaide Perry was a key figure in the promotion of linocut in Sydney in the 1920s. Inserting herself into paintings by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, Rrap twists her body to fit their original poses or, plays up or acts out in their limiting structures. Paula Rego (1935) is a Portuguese-born visual artist whose art has challenged the audience for decades. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, Janet Dawson, Heeney's rose, 1968, Gift of Peggy Fauser 1976, Miriam Stannage, Aurora, 1970, Gift of the Stannage family 2019. It was largely women artists who first championed modernism and abstraction in Australia in the early twentieth century. TEQSA: PRV12036. Share on Linked In Purchased 1989; Feathered fence, 1979, Gift of the artist 1994, Janet Laurence, Requiem (detail), 2020, Purchased 2021, Dr B. Marika, Rirratjiu people, Yalabara, 1988, Commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia and the Australian Bicentennial Authority 1988; Miyapunu and guya, Purchased 1987; Muka milny mirri, 1987, Purchased from Gallery admission charges 1988; Birds and fishes, 1984, Gift of Theo Tremblay 1987; Miyapunawu narrunan (Turtle hunting Bremer Island), 1989, Gift of the artist 1990, Queenie McKenzie, Gija people, Gija Country, 1995, Purchased 1996. The colours and nasturtiums add a vibrancy and softness. ArtNet. general entryticket today. Frederick McCubbin 7. 3 Judith Leyster (1609-1660) 4 Angelica Kauffman (1741-1807) 5 lisabeth Louise Vige Le Brun (1755-1842) 6 Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899) 7 Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) 8 Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) 9 Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) 10 Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) 11 Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) 12 Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) 13 Helen Frankenthaler (1928-2011) Sold for 360 inc. premium . Blurring private and public space, she wanted to change the experience of the gallery goer from one of white walls, hush, hush, dont speak, say what you really think when you get out of here to one that they could experience in a combined rhythm with everyday life. Black also exhibited this print under the title Reconstructions, Wynyard Square, which explains the diagonal crane form in the centre of the image. The development of this collection coincided with the escalation of the Me Too movement, a global response to the harassment of women. The vibrant patchwork of materials in this work including lamps, stockings, fabric and beer bottles forms an oversized cubbyhouse that evokes a childlike sense of wonder and discovery and a means of escape. AGNSW collection Ethel Spowers Special edition 1936, AGNSW collection Ethel Spowers Resting models 1934, AGNSW collection Frank Weitzel Abstract design 2 circa 1932, AGNSW collection Frank Weitzel Abstract design 1 circa 1932. Several of the structures in this image are visible today, including the spire of St James Church, King Street courts and the heavy foliage of a Moreton Bay fig in Hyde Park. Find out more through the link below. 5 min read, 9 Feb 2023 An even more enigmatic artist whose work is held at Kew is Ann Lee (1753-1790). There are so many possibilities to play out. Privacy Purchased from the artist, Klytie Pate, High diving, c 1950, Purchased 1981, Ethel Carrick, At sunset, 1914, Purchased 1977, Hilda Rix Nicholas, Seller of earthenware pots, 1912-14, Purchased through the National Gallery of Australia Foundation Gala Dinner Fund 2013; Apples, c 1940, Purchased 2013, Ethel Carrick, The market, 1919, Private collection, courtesy of Smith & Singer, Melbourne and Sydney, Melinda Harper, Untitled, 2001, Purchased 2001, Savanhdary Vongpoothorn, Various levels, 2002, Purchased 2002, Carol Rudyard, Northern theme, 1973, Purchased 2005, Margaret Worth, Sukhvati number 5, 1967, Gift of an anonymous donor 2020. Leba Bovard (ne Karpin) 1917-1976, remembered as one of the 20th Century Australian Women Painters. Milking Practice with Artificial Udders 1940 Evelyn Mary Dunbar (1906-1960) IWM (Imperial War Museums) John Brack - Art Quotes - 20th century Australian painter, draftsman, and printmaker famous for his depictions of life in Australia. 15 Russian women artists you really should know. Becoming Modern, which I was lucky enough to see at the Ballarat Art Gallery in July, 2019, is a celebration of the tenacity and innovation of Australian women artists. List of Women Artists: Up to 17th Century 18th Century . This image was inspired by a passage in Tchaikovskys music for the ballet Swan Lake as well as an Irish legend, the Children of Lir, in which children were transformed into swans. Free entry, Find out what you need to know before visiting. The combination of meditative states and expressive gestures underpins Lindys Lees wall sculpture, The unconditioned. Newton-John was born in Cambridge, England, but her family emigrated to Melbourne, Australia when she was six. Entries include biographical information, a list of principle . Her voice remained suspended in air, like the embroidered object itself. Russian art only got a 'female face' in the early 20th century, thanks to the avant-garde 'amazons'. Since meeting and forming a creative partnership in the early 1970s, Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson have become pioneering figures in fashion design. Albert Marquet (1875-1947) Her subjects were taken from everyday life, including children at play and crowded city streets. They embraced their new freedoms and it translated into a unique, fresh artistic style. As the high note fell away, Clare Grant began to walk carefully around the embroidered form, focusing her gaze on the lower section, reading the old French translation aloud, moving her eyes steadily upwards and pausing where the text joined with the 16th century Scots translation. She takes erotic scenes from folklore stories from 17th and 18th-century where women are "dangerous active participants, not passive permission givers." 51. William Dobell - Art Quotes - Australian portrait painter and Archibald Prize winner . One of the first women to paint still life studies, her paintings were popular. Amy Sherald. Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese contemporary artist who works primarily in sculpture and installation, but is also active in painting, performance, video art, fashion, poetry, fiction, and other arts. Thank you for joining our community and we do hope you enjoy our art blog. He quickly gained a reputation with the local avant-garde for his sculpture, linocuts, textile and furniture design; his short time in Sydney had a disproportionate influence on the development of local modernism. CRICOS: 03197B Raquel Ormella, Australia rising #2, 2009, Purchased 2010. This list of artists born in 20th century includes people from USA, France, UK, Australia, Spain, Italy, Japan and many more countries. A prodigious artist, she left 560 paintings after her death at the age of only 31. Coming up soon. Despite never meeting Cullen, Lloyd conceived the performance as collaborative work in which she extends Cullens practice through her own. 2. Jeffrey Smart Australian artist known for his modernist depictions of urban landscapes In the 1980s artists including Tracey Moffatt, Julie Rrap and Anne Ferran examined ideas of gender in works that merged photography and performance. Some of his most popular paintings were inspired by British serial killer John Christie. In the early twentieth century, artists including Agnes Goodsir and Bessie Davidson found support outside of Australia, particularly in France, where they were able to live in creative communities, free from expectations of marriage and other heterosexual norms. The exhibition of 197 works, including paintings, prints, drawings and ceramics is taken almost exclusively from the Gallerys collection. I work with the thoughts that stimulate the dance; when we watch someone dance, we are watching the thinking. Jos de Almada Negreiros (1893 - 1970) was a Portuguese artist who was fascinated by the arts and set himself on a creative path early on. Cries from the tower redux premiered at the National Gallery of Australia in May 2021. AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry Kurrajong (The citrus orchard) circa 1929, AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry Kirribilli - study for a linocut circa 1929. These whimsical works generate awareness and insight into culture and Country alongside their focus of creating income and employment for women on their homelands. The list consists of 374 members. Joanne Greenbaum Vera Blackburn grew up in an art-loving family in Sydney and first made linocuts under the direction of Thea Proctor, and later at Adelaide Perrys art school. . Download South Australian Women Artists book PDF by Jane Hylton and published by South Australia State Government Publications. Barbara Tribe, Lovers II, 193637 (cast 1988), Gift of the Barbara Tribe Foundation 2008. This distinctively Australia subject was inspired by vegetation on the artists uncles farm, Woodenup, in the Kojunup region of Western Australia. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain) The 19th-century Realist painter Rosa Bonheur was known for her stunning paintings of animals ranging from horses to bulls to rabbits. AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Naval funeral circa 1945, AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Elizabeth Street, Sydney 1939. Sidney Nolan 2. Spowers first colour prints were made in the Japanese manner, brushing ink on the block so it printed with a painterly texture. The popular American art movement has plenty of female practitioners. Joanna Mendelssohn Art Gallery of New South Wales 2 December 2000 - 25 February 2001. New Zealander Frank Weitzel arrived in Sydney in the late 1920s after studying variously in San Francisco, New York and Munich. She was among a small group of artists instrumental in promoting the modern colour linocut in Australia in the 1930s, having studied the medium in Europe. Ruth Maddison, Lola McHaig, 60, Peg Fitzgerald, 64, Laura Thompson, 80, Pat Counihan, 74, Rose Stone, 69, Molly OSullivan, 83, from series Women over sixty, 1992, Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd Fund. As a result, they played a key role in introducing concepts such as Post-Impressionism, Abstraction and Modernism to Australian audiences. In the meantime I am delighted to welcome a new subscriber Maria from Brazil. Lyubov Popova was one of the most prolific, and influential women artists of the Russian avant-garde. Gertrude Abercrombie, Coming Home, 1947, private collection. Women were originally denied from attending life drawing classes at art schools. One of the most, ruby-like effects in "On With the Show" is the hunting scene. He went on to explore painting, tapestry, engraving, murals, caricature, mosaic, azulejo and stained glass. Judith Leyster (1609 - 1660) Self-Portrait by Judith Leyster. Micky Allans first solo exhibition Photography, drawing, poetry: A live-in show was held at the Ewing and George Paton Galleries in Melbourne in 1978. She worked at the court of the Duke of Alcala, the court of the Duke of Savoy and in Florence, where members of the Medici family were patrons. Archive the archive is inspired by the life and work of Philippa Cullen, a performance artist, dancer and choreographer who sought to generate sound through the movement of the body using theremin and early electronica. Feint first exhibited woodcuts and wood engravings while a student of Thea Proctor in the late 1920s. Flamingo Park (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Jenny Kee (designer), Opal Oz outfit, 1981, Gift of Jane de Teliga 1987. It was inspired by a jazz night at the Dominion Arts Club, London. Works by Thea Proctor, Margaret Preston and Grace Cossington-Smith were dotted around the exhibition and we will take a close look at these three artists tomorrow.
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