[21] After questioning them, he accused them of being spies. In the Elohist version it is Rueben intervenes on Joseph's behalf, while in the Yahwist version it is Judah that saves him. His father then remarked, "Now let me die, since I have seen your face, because you are still alive." What Leah knew was that her husband, although she had given him many sons, had no regard for her Jewish tradition even states that Jacob moved to Bilhahs tent after the death of Rachel (I dont think he ever got over that anger from the morning after the wedding). Although this very well may offend our modern sensibilities, Zilpah and Bilhah had a better life than they had hoped for, in the end. Zulaikha is the wife of Kitfir (the Biblical Potiphar), through whose accusations Yusuf is thrown into prison. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. The story of Joseph or Yusuf as it is told in Arabic literature has the same general outlines as the Biblical narrative; but in the Arabic account there is a wealth of accessory detail and incident. lol does it come with a jetted jacuzi tub? Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Judgment in Context: Honor, Shame, and the Command to Judge Not., Confessions of a Former Torah Terrorist Pt II. The narrative also indicates that they went straight to Joseph or were directed to him, even by the Pharaoh himself (Genesis 41:3757). [6], The Bible offers two explanations of the name Ysf: first it is compared to the Hebrew root (-s-p), meaning "to gather, remove, take away":[7] "And she conceived, and bore a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach" (Genesis 30:23);[8] Ysf is then identified with the similar root (y-s-p), meaning "to add":[9] "And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me another son." As the reputed ancestor of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, he is regarded by some as altogether legendary or even mythical by some critics. The words do not share the same lemma and so are unrelated. One tradition holds that Jacob's other children came into the world only for Joseph's sake. Information much needed for understanding context. Joseph ordered the steward to go after the brothers and to question them about the "missing" silver cup. Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, lived in the land of Canaan with ten half-brothers, one full brother, and at least one half-sister. The two halves of Manasseh were often treated as two separate units in the biblical account. The younger daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel ( Gen 35:24; Gen 46:15-18). Glad to hear from you Brian, I have received many heartbreaking messages from women whose husbands seem to think they can force them into this lifestyle when they havent even bothered to look at whether or not the reasons that existed then still exist now, which of course they do not. Jacob did not wholly believe that Joseph was dead, because he could not forget him, while the dead are soon forgotten. Esau took a third wife to please his father Isaac (Genesis 28:6-9). Because she was now barren (for whatever reason), she was in the legal position to give her own maidservant to Jacob as another woman, concubine. 14 Facts About Esau Everyone Should Know. These years were followed by seven years of famine "over all the face of the earth," when "all countries came into Egypt to Joseph to buy grain" (Gen. 41:56, 57; 47:13,14). We think of it differently, because we simply cannot imagine a maidservant being willing or even eager to consent to such an arrangement but when we look at it in terms of the times you will see a poor woman who was a servant, probably sold by her impoverished father to Labans family because he had no money to get her married off not out of coldness but because if he died without seeing her provided for her only options were starvation or prostitution; she was resigned to perhaps never marrying, or if she did it would be to another servant, to give birth to servants. When the steward caught up with the brothers, he seized them and searched their sacks. His prophetic powers are sited as an example of "faith" in Hebrews 11:22. Jacob became greatly distressed, feeling deprived of successive sons: Joseph, Simeon, and (prospectively) Benjamin. Then the Hebrew phrase shm midyanm srm in verse 28 describes Midianite traders. There are many examples of descriptions that we don't assume to be a prescription for us today living as nomads in tents, giving each wife her own tent (modern day equivalent would be that each wife has her own home or at minimum her own personal suite), digging our own wells, making alliances via sons and daughters, being without citizenship, for husbands to devote their first year of marriage being at home with their wives, etc. . Rabbah l.c). Later, Joseph became Potiphar's personal servant, and subsequently his household's superintendent. This family, with its sordid history of deceit, jealousy, and . 4. [18] After two more years, the Pharaoh dreamt of seven lean cows which devoured seven fat cows; and of seven withered ears of grain which devoured seven fat ears. The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob (From thence is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel), Even by the God of your father who shall help thee; and by the Almighty who shall bless thee With blessings of heaven above, Blessings of the deep that lieth under, Blessings of the breasts and of the womb. And Jo. (notice that she is given the same treatment as a wife but is not a wife), [147] If she have not borne him children, then her mistress may sell her for money. Abraham married Sarah, who was his niece; Isaac married Rebekah, who was his first cousin once removed; and Jacob married Leah and Rachel, who were his first cousins. 5:26; Jacob 1:2, 18-19). Who was the angel of And as for Jacob, he never intended to have any other wife but Rachel and only ended up in this polygamous situation because of trickery he chose to be a polygamist because it would seem that a man who was willing to work a grand total of fourteen years for a woman evidently could not imagine living without her. After the (presumed) death of Joseph, we read, "All of his [Jacob's] sons and daughters got up to comfort him . In analyzing Genesis Chapter 37, there are five different Hebrew names used to describe five different groups of people involved in the transaction of selling Joseph, according to Rabbi Judah and Rav Huna. When he. 19The new king took advantage of our people, and mistreated our fathers. In addition to honoring him, there was a strong tendency in the patristic period to view his life as a typological precursor to Christ. The Gadites would later be described as, "brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. What happens when a man is required to take his dead brothers wife, if he is already married Deut 25:5? The money they had brought was double what they had offered on the first trip. Some rabbis, however, charged Joseph with vanity, saying that, even before being sold, he took too much pains with his personal appearance (Gen. R. 84:7), and that he continued to do so as ruler over Potiphar's house, forgetting his father, who was mourning over his disappearance. I want to point out something obvious about Joseph's wife Asenath I think many of us have a tendency to skip over without giving it much thought. Joseph is also extolled by the rabbis for being a prophet, and for supporting his brothers. Jacob's wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. The Hebrew word translated as "tender" means "soft, delicate, or lovely.". After Jacob's death, Joseph received the Pharaoh's permission to travel with a great caravan to Canaan in order to bury the patriarch. But Israel refused saying, "but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he," a declaration he made just as Israel himself was to his firstborn brother Esau. What about the Ethiopian woman that Moses took as a wife in Numbers 12:1? . There are numerous mentions of Joseph in Bah' writings. 24 Rachel's sons were Joseph and Benjamin. Joseph was the first son of Rachel and Jacob, and the 11th of Jacob's 12 sons (Genesis 30:22-24). After he had washed his face, he came out and, controlling himself, said, 'Serve the food'" (Gen 43:30-32). The cupbearer took this opportunity to inform the king of Joseph's gift and recommended his services. Habakkuk 3:7, in a paralellism (a literary device where something is said twice, slightly differently, in such a way as to equate two concepts), says this of Cushan. However there are two separate lands related to the epithet Cush. Kusiteand Kusan are both used and they are spelled almost exactly the same the only difference being a tav vs a nun at the end of the word. This is great, Tyler. Deceptively, Joseph also ordered the steward to put his silver cup in Benjamin's sack. Joseph predicted seven years of plenty to be followed by seven years of famine and advised the Pharaoh to appoint someone to store up surplus grain. After bearing Judah, Leah stopped bearing children for a . Joseph did very well with God's help. He could not control himself any longer and so he sent the Egyptian men out of the house. Through his father, he also has six half-brothers: Dan and Naphtali (whose . After being beaten by his brethren, Joseph was thrown by Simeon into a pit, among serpents and scorpions; but Joseph prayed to God and the reptiles retired to their holes (Targ. He forgave them and sent for Jacob and the entire household to come to Egypt. To Joseph, he gave a portion more of Canaanite property than he had to his other sons; land that he fought for against the Amorites. He worked under the Egyptian official Potiphar but was freed and became the chief adviser (vizier) to the Egyptian Pharaoh. On the third day, he brought them out of prison to reiterate that he wanted their youngest brother brought to Egypt to demonstrate their veracity. Loaded with knowledge and wisdom. (Gen. 30:24) He was born in Padan-aram when Jacob was about 90 years old. Moses, led there by an ancient holy woman named Serach, was able by a miracle to raise the sarcophagus and to take it with him at the time of the Exodus. His story is told in . 2. Then Israel called all of his sons in and prophesied their blessings or curses to all twelve of them in order of their ages. I am a fifty-something-year-old Bible teacher, wife of twenty-eight years to Mark, and mom of adult twin sons. Am happy to have read this. (Gen 50:7-9). Her father, Jacob, saw that his family was deeply ashamed of his new granddaughter. According to the biblical account, Joseph was the son of Jacob by Rachel, the patriarch's favorite wife (Gen. 30:23, 24), who, on the occasion of Joseph's birth, said, "The Lord shall add [Heb. Bilhah, they replied. Now Jacob had twelve sons. He even instructed them to take his bones with them. He went into his private room and wept there. Levirate marriage served two functions that a mans name would not cease to go forward and that a woman would not be bereft of support. Then he prepared a great ceremonial journey to Canaan leading the servants of the Pharaoh, and the elders of the houses Israel and Egypt beyond the Jordan River. They shall be on the head of Joseph, And on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren. Judah (left) talking to Tamar (right) (1606-1669), by Rembrandt. It served a specific societal function within a context that no longer exists (much like the need for Levirate marriage). The following morning the brothers began their journey back to Canaan. Jacob's sons, including Joseph, are listed at the end of this page. [b] Upon imprisoning Joseph, the brothers saw a camel caravan carrying spices and perfumes to Egypt, and sold Joseph to these merchants. So, did Jacob have four legally wedded wives? Then Joseph is summoned to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh himself. The steward put them at ease, telling them not to worry about the money, and brought out their brother Simeon. 23 Leah's sons were Reuben (Jacob's first-born), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. At the end of that period, the Pharaoh had a strange dream which none of his advisers could interpret. 2. Sign me up for that! She became angry and told lies about him, so he was put in jail. According to the Midrash, Joseph would have been immediately executed by the sexual assault charge against him by Potiphar's wife. God richly bless you my sis. She told Jacob, "Here is my maid Bilhah. He is also a type of manly beauty; so that one often finds the expression "a second Joseph," meaning one extraordinarily beautiful. [49] When Jacob learned their story after their return, he wept in grief till he lost his eyesight because of sorrow. 20. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. Certain rabbis declared that Joseph was ready to yield to his mistress, but that his father's image suddenly appeared to him and called him to his duty (Sotah 36b; Gen. R. 87:9). , romanized: Rl, lit. 15So Jacob moved down into Egypt, and lived there till he died, as did our fathers. The "unloved" Leah bore seven of Jacob's childrensix sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, as well as a daughter, Dinah. The community seems to confuse quite often what is description vs prescription. When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel commanded him to do. I smiled, and told them to listen again. Charles L. Zimmerman holds the B. According to the Documentary Hypothesis Joseph's toy is a combination of two or more versions which were later combined into the current narrative. Nice going! She gives birth to two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Genesis 35:21-27 gives a list of Jacob's sons and the various woman he had them with. the time has come for the Israelites to be rescued from their oppressors; come up and do not cause us any further delay!" Abravanel explains that she had accused other servants of the same crime in the past. Joseph prospered in Potiphar's household and was eventually made head of the servants. For Jacob however, a time came when his parents urged him to leave Canaan . The sons by Leah (Jacob's first wife) were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun. Joseph was sworn to do as his father asked of him. [24] Its redaction history may have included a first "Reuben version" originating in the northern kingdom of Israel and intended to justify the domination by the "house of Joseph" over the other tribes, this was followed by a later "Judah-expansion" (chapters 38 and 49) elevating Judah as the rightful successor to Jacob, and finally various embellishments so that the novella would function as the bridge between the Genesis and the story of Moses and the Exodus.[25]. Some believe that he built the city of Memphis, and that he was instrumental in building the obelisks and pyramids. They stopped at Atad where they observed seven days of mourning. In one Talmudic story, Joseph was buried in the Nile river, as there was some dispute as to which province should be honored by having his tomb within its boundaries. JOSEPH. Joseph is regarded as a saint by several Christian churches, including the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, which commemorates him as a patriarch on March 31. How many wives did Abraham have? He stored up in Egypt all the gold and silver of the world, and it was carried away by the Israelites when they left Egypt. ISBN links support NWE through referral fees, https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/p/index.php?title=Joseph,_son_of_Jacob&oldid=1017043, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, More recently, Joseph figures prominently in Anita Diamant's novel. [41], Joseph (Arabic: , Ysuf) is regarded by Muslims as a prophet (Quran, suras vi. The genealogy of Jesus in the New Testament traces Jesus' ancestry lineally, from Abraham to David, and then from David to Jesus. Then he revealed to the Hebrews that he was in fact their brother, Joseph. Yes, the Bible does indicate that Jacob had more than one daughter. 25 Rachel's servant Bilhah's sons were Dan and Naphtali. The warden put Joseph in charge of the other prisoners,[14] and soon afterward Pharaoh's chief cup-bearer and chief baker, who had offended the Pharaoh, were thrown into the prison. [26][27] The plot begins by showing Joseph as a dreamer; this leads him into trouble as, out of jealousy, his brothers sell him into slavery. Even though I never watched either Big Love or Sister Wives, I knew about people who lived like this and I will bet that anyone who lives in certain parts of certain western states can tell you the same thing. Knowing that his brothers would come to buy grain, Joseph gave orders that nobody should be permitted to enter until he had given in writing his own and his father's names. They were survival oriented, and so when greeted with the opportunity to be something greater in the family, not wives but the mothers of some of the heirs of the House, that was a chance to have a much better life and better prospects for the future. 84, xl. Bah' commentaries have described these as metaphors with the garment implying the recognition of a manifestation of God. They were rapacious, while Joseph never enjoyed anything that was not his (Zeb. She then had three more sons: Simeon, Levi and Judah. .". (Genesis Rabbah 84:22). Now why? Joseph was the first son of Rachel and Jacob, and the 11th of Jacobs 12sons, Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt, Joseph became the slave of Potiphar a very high official in Egypt. Joseph, in the Old Testament, son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. Joseph wept as they spoke and told them that what had happened was God's purpose to save lives and the lives of his family. So Joseph supplied them Egyptian transport wagons, new garments, silver money, and twenty additional donkeys carrying provisions for the journey. The Persian poet Firdowsi wrote an epic on this subject. "Pharaoh called Joseph by the name Tzafnat-Pa'neach and gave him as his wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-Fera priest of On. In the second year of famine,[20] Joseph's half brothers were sent to Egypt to buy goods. Joseph interpreted this dream as the baker being hanged within three days and having his flesh eaten by birds. It was after this that Isaac married Rebekah and Abraham took Keturah as a wife (possibly a concubine) (see Genesis 24 and 25:1). The composition of the story can be dated to the period between the 7th century BCE and the third quarter of the 5th century BCE, which is roughly the period to which scholars date the Book of Genesis. Every time a son was born I asked my boys to tell me who the sons belonged to and it worked fine until we got to Dan. Paul even specifically said that male leadership within the Body was to be limited to those men who only had one wife (I Tim 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6). He is presently pastor of the Evangelical Church of Archbold, Ohio. Is Polygamy Really Biblical? Some of those women were also married to friends of his.Nov 11, 2014 When the Vizier (Joseph) appeared, they gave him gifts from their father. Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim were born before the years of famine. which references passages that point to Jacob having "daughters" (plural, more than one) such as Genesis 37:34-35. Did Jacob have 4 wives? I think Ill stick with my one wife (Staci) of 23 years. (7-14) Genesis 29:17. The remaining brothers returned to their father in Canaan, and told him all that had transpired in Egypt. Taking 130 and subtracting it from Joseph's age of 39 means Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. [54], This article is about the Joseph of the Book of Genesis. Some declare that during the 22 years he was away from home he drank no wine (Shab. Simeon had six sons, all of whom migrated to Egypt (Gen. xlvi. [44] In the Quran the brothers ask Jacob ("Yaqub") to let Joseph go with them. | The Hub Jacob's favoritism for Joseph made his half-brothers so jealous that they were ready to murder him (see Genesis 37). In the Qur'an a whole chapter (sura xii) is devoted to Joseph; and Islamic commentators add many details to this "best of stories.". Jacob was 130 at this time (Gen 47:9). 13When they went the second time Joseph was recognized by his brothers, and Josephs origins were revealed to Pharaoh. (Acts 7:9-13). 20 And to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore to him. 16Their remains were brought back to Shechem, and laid in the tomb that Abraham, for a price in silver, purchased from the children of Hamor in Shechem. (Acts 7:14-16). Joseph had good reasons not to have an affair with Potiphar's wife: he did not want to abuse his master's trust; he believed in the sanctity of marriage; and it went against his ethical, moral and religious principles taught to him by his father Jacob. Jacob, before he died, blessed each of his sons and two of his grandsons, the two sons of Joseph. Laws of Hammurabi: [144] If a man take a wife and this woman give her husband a maid-servant, and she bear him children, but this man wishes to take another wife, this shall not be permitted to him; he shall not take a second wife. I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction; the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble. The motif of dreams/dream interpretation contributes to a strong story-like narrative. Response: We read in Genesis 41:45 that Pharaoh gave Joseph Osnat daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. The latter third of the book of Genesis relates the complex and vola- tile relationship of the patriarch Jacob, his four wives, and their thirteen children (twelve sons, one daughter). When Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, the king asked him for a sign by which he might know that his interpretation was true. popularly referred to as a "coat of many colors." He was the son of Leah, Jacob's first wife. When the Vizier (Joseph) confronted them about the silver cup, he demanded that the one who possessed the cup in his bag become his slave. The children of Israel remembered their oath, and when they left Egypt during the Exodus, Moses took Joseph's bones with him. They commemorate him on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (two Sundays before Christmas) and on Holy and Great Monday (Monday of Holy Week). The shrine called Joseph's Tomb in Nablus/Shechem is traditionally considered to be his tomb. The robotic sermon went on to relate the story of when Joseph, the son of Jacob, was reunited with his brothers after many years. Leah was "Tender Eyed". In the sixth year, Asenath bore two children to Joseph: Manasseh and Ephraim. They may have been: (1) the sons of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph (the most natural inference); (2) sons of the Mary named in Mark 15:40 as "mother of James and Joses", whom Jerome identified with the wife of Clopas and sister of Mary the mother of Jesus; or (3) sons of Joseph by a former marriage. Sefer ha-Yashar, section Wayiggash). In fact, this is all we learn about her: Genesis 41:45: "Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave . As Zipporah was a Midianite, calling her a Kusite makes absolute sense. Tap a Lookup below to generate a list oflessons. He is the favourite son of the patriarch Jacob, and his jealous brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt, where he eventually ends up incarcerated. It was the first successful production in the career of Andrew Lloyd Webber. God punished him, therefore, by setting against him Potiphar's wife (Gen. R. 87:3). Recall that Jacob was born in the land of Canaan, the land God promised to Abraham, and where Jacob's father Isaac was born and lived his entire life. Joseph correctly predicted their futures: one would be reinstated in his post while the other would be executed. Muslim theologians, especially of the Sufi tradition, use this story to symbolize the spiritual love between God and the soul. [46], In the Bible, Joseph discloses himself to his brethren before they return to their father the second time after buying grain. However, they agreed to be escorted back to Egypt. Joseph (/dozf, -sf/; Hebrew: , lit. Great article Tyler! We can have a conquering faith in Jesus though we are tested by many tribulations. yosef] to me another son." In Genesis 29:31-30:24 the birth of twelve of Jacob's children is recorded. Efforts to Bear Children. How long did Jacob in the Bible wait to marry his wife? Such a blessing as always sis. Scripture doesn't tell us much about Asenath, the wife of Joseph, the son of Jacob. To add to the distinction within the family, in chapter thirty-seven, when Joseph goes tattling on his brothers, it specifically mentions that they are the sons of the neshe Bilhah and Zilpah. What is Jacob's new name? We passed on to Zilpah, and they noticed it again Gad is Leahs son!, Very good, I smiled. [31] However, punishment could not have been avoided because of her class status and limited public knowledge of her scheme. After his phenomenal rise to power, as he is passing through the street one day, his attention is attracted by a beggar woman whose bearing shows traces of former greatness. The brothers conferred amongst themselves speaking in Hebrew, reflecting on the wrong they had done to Joseph. According to most rabbinical authorities, Joseph's coffin was sunk in the Nile (Targ. [29] Maimonides comments that even the villager in Shechem, about whom Joseph inquired his brother's whereabouts, was a "divine messenger" working behind the scene.[30]. [a] When Joseph was seventeen years old, he shared with his brothers two dreams he had had: in the first dream, Joseph and his brothers gathered bundles of grain, of which those his brothers gathered, bowed to his own. Required fields are marked *, nine = 27 .hide-if-no-js { Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. Why did Jacob go to paddan? Jacob was tricked into polygamy (Genesis 29:20-30) and later received two additional wives bringing the grand total of four wives (Genesis 30:4, 9). He was present at Jacob's famous reconciliation with his brother Esau. If, however, to the sixty-six Stephen added the wives of Jacob's sons', he could have legitimately reckoned Jacob's household as numbering seventy-five, instead of seventy. Yet, from this answer in Quora. Judah, too, counseled against murder and convinced the brothers to sell Joseph to a company of Ishmaelite merchants, who bought him in exchange for 20 shekels of silver. These were the 11 sons that were born to Jacob when he lived with Rachel's father Laban. Here, Potiphar's wife (called Zuleika in later tradition) tried to seduce Joseph, which he refused. M. degrees from Grace Theological Seminary. Joseph understood what they were saying and removed himself from their presence because he was caught in emotion. When they came to Egypt, they stood before the Vizier but did not recognize him as their brother Joseph, who was now in his late 30s; but Joseph did recognize them and did not speak at all to them in his native tongue of Hebrew. So the final birth order of Jacob's thirteen children by these four women was: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah, Joseph, and Benjamin. After they mentioned a younger brother at home, the Vizier (Joseph) demanded that he be brought to Egypt as a demonstration of their veracity. To the modern proponents of polygamy (as opposed to Biblical polygamy, which was entirely different), our forefather Jacob is the shining example after all, he had four wives right? Rachel is his mom, one of them gasped. Here, their lamentation was so great that it caught the attention of surrounding Canaanites who remarked "This is a deep mourning of the Egyptians." Unbeknownst to them, Joseph had also returned their money to their money sacks (Genesis 42:128). pseudo-Jonathan). Israel (Jacob) agreed to his son's invitation to move to Egypt and began the journey to see Joseph. To sum up, true Biblical (as well as ancient Near Eastern) polygamy (having more than one wife on purpose) was really limited to Kings, and that was historically for the purpose of creating alliances and safety for the kingdom. The other polygamists in Scripture were Lamech (a descendant of Cain who killed a guy) and Esau (who well he was Esau, nuff said) we dont see any of the twelve sons of Jacob having mutliple wives, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, the Judges (not even Sampson) or the prophets. Then Joseph buried Israel in the cave of Machpelah, the property of Abraham when he bought it from the Hittites. Jacob's other children are between 56 and 63.
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