I also plan to become addicted to alcohol and drugs. And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. The devil loves to blind the minds of people so they will be easy prey. It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir,In precious onyx, or sapphire. Sanctify them in the truth;your word is truth. It will keep us from stumbling and falling away from the Lord. Jesus reminds us inJohn 17:17that it is Gods word is truth. But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered. False teachers come up with their wrong doctrine to justify their immoral lifestyles. It affirms how much God cares for you and brings supernatural peace and comfort to your soul. 3. The Tribe of Simeon: History & 4 Lessons We can Learn. He is likea treeplanted bystreams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and itsleaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers.. While this is similar to the one above, it is distinctly different. Seek counsel from God-fearing people that already possess Gods wisdom. 1. In fact, given the choice between wisdom and material wealth, they opted for wisdom, hands down. Good comes to those who are adding the knowledge of God to their life continually. As we begin to understand what is important to God, it also shapes our understanding of what is important for His kingdom and what He wants us to do. Most verses in the Bible will bundle up wisdom, knowledge, and understanding because they work together. Human intellect needs to be redeemed so believers will have the mind of Christ and have their thoughts transformed (1 Corinthians 2:16; Romans 12:2). In Proverbs 1:27-29, God warned His people that in times of calamity, they would call out to Him, but He would not answer, because they hated knowledge and did not fear Him. Chartered Member of CIPD. I plan to live so selfishly and with such disregard for others that I will shred all of my relationships. Proud member Also, I plan to spend far more than I earn so that I will run up huge debts. No one plans to be useless and unfruitful! There are degrees of knowing God. 5) Simple academic knowledge of God is not the goal but is the means to the goal. Only then can you enjoy the amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge. The Hebrew term for understanding is tebuna, which denotes intelligence or discernment. While Peter ponders the vision, God imparts another word of knowledge to him through a voice. But, to put it positively, how can I be useful and fruitful in my Christian life? And then, according to verse sixteen above, when you increase in knowledge, multiplication and increase in all of the other areas of your life are inevitable. Can a true Christian fall away from the faith permanently? Lets look at a few scriptures that confirm that fact: Proverbs 2:6 says, For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.. and takethe helmet of salvation, andthe sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,. These qualities refers back to the seven qualities that we are diligently to supply on the foundation of our faith in Christ (1:5-7): moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. But thats not all. Paul desired that believers love would keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9). look up Psalm 107:2 and John 3:14-15. Most of the Bible's verses that occur in Aramaic are in Ezra and Nehemiah, a linguistic occurrence that developed as a result of Israel's exile in Babylon. Also, she had the equivalent of a contest, where we had to find all 120 words in print, cut the sentences out (this was before the copy machine was invented! Hes saying. We will enjoy the assurance of knowing that God has called and chosen us as His own. What are the benefits of knowing God? When a Christian asks God for wisdom and turns to the Word of God and the truth of the Gospel, God reveals His perspective about mans condition and His purposes in and through the believer. Understanding is another term the Bible uses that acts as a bridge between knowledge and wisdom. There are several ways that a word of knowledge can manifest in Believers. My youngest, now in college, also is amazed at the nuggets of truth gained in such a short time listening. 30 Bible Verses about Knowledge Most Relevant Verses Proverbs 1:7 Verse Concepts The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. You see, only a fool thinks ignorance is bliss! If not, why not? Live so as to grow in godliness so that you will be a clean vessel, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work (2 Tim. Please help me to live for you, Jesus, for the rest of my life. Knowledge forever pursues the truth. In the present, growing in godliness will give us the joy of being useful and fruitful to the Lord, so that we dont waste our lives. Verse 26 tells us this. She also used the words in sentences with students names. She knew that motivation is a key to learning and she was a master motivator! Pray and ask God for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. And Moses blessed them. So the first benefit of growing in godliness is fruitfulness in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Peter said (Matt. 3:18). But since Peter has talked about the true knowledge of Christ in reference to conversion (1:3), I understand him here (1:8) to be saying, If you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be growing in godliness and seeking to be useful and fruitful in serving Him.. Remembering Gods grace shown to you at the cross will motivate you to apply all diligence to keep growing in godliness. Author and spiritual coach David Sanford wrote, Good knowledge is what God wants us to know, believe, and heed. For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. He has granted us His precious and magnificent promises so that by them we have become partakers of His divine nature (1:4). Have a great day! (Deuteronomy 34:9). Joshua and the children of Israel had a smooth and peaceful transition. The words of a mans mouth are deep waters;The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. These are just a few benefits of Bible study, friend, but there are many more (keep an eye out for more in an upcoming post)! The Bible has so much to say about knowledge, both good and bad. Sign up to receive e-mail from Insight for Living Ministries. We should want this knowledge so that our lives can be more like Him and live according to his will. Knowledge and understanding help believers identify, avoid, and rebuke false teaching (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 2 John 1:10; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 6:3-5). Why say no to temptation when yielding would feel so good? How wonderful! Dawn Wilsonhas served in revival ministry and missions for more than 50 years. This gift can manifest as a vision, dream, thought, voice, or feeling. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. All I knew was that God wanted me to have them. Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned;And the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My names sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.. Many Christians have also found that fasting heightens their learning process, making them more sensitive to what God wants to teach them. As a pastor, its easy to fall into the trap of thinking that fruitfulness is measured in terms of numbers: If I can pastor a large, growing church, write best-selling books, and travel all over the world to influence thousands of other Christian leaders, I will be fruitful. Ministering to large numbers may indicate success in human terms, but we need to measure fruitfulness by Gods criteria. It has a wider sweep than our English word "know, " including perceiving, learning, understanding, willing, performing, and experiencing. Verse 23 tells us this. In 1981, I read the two-volume autobiography of C. H. Spurgeon. 2:9; 2 Pet. Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily. Real knowledge, Sanford says, is from God the Father (James 1:16-18), Gods Son Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and Gods Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20-27).. Proverbs 1:7 states, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge," while Psalm 111:10 declares that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (emphasis added throughout). This collection of bible verses give insights into the value of . When something in the Bible doesnt make sense, Christians can test statements and arguments, and hold fast to what is good knowledge and biblical practice. There are also many more benefits when you do. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus Christ died for my sins and was resurrected from the dead. Sofaith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.. Effective verbal communication skills to communicate with a diverse client group. It is a beautiful attribute for anyone. 9 Bible Verses about Benefits Of Knowledge Most Relevant Verses Proverbs 24:5 Verse Concepts A wise man is strong, And a man of knowledge increases power. This is to be our testimony in these last days. If she used your name, you wanted to know what she was saying about you: I saw erudite Steve osculating with pensive Pam. Steve and Pam (and the rest of the class) wanted to know what that meant! John Calvin observes (Calvins Commentaries [Baker], on 2 Peter 1:8, p. 374), For the knowledge of Christ is an efficacious thing and a living root, which brings forth fruit. In other words, if God has opened your eyes to the glory of the gospel of Christ (2 Cor. 15+ years' experience across the full HR remit. Years later, in my thirties, I went over to her house and thanked her for being such a great teacher. (. Sproul wrote in his article Walking in Wisdom, Careful study of the Bible is necessary for true discipleship. Check here for a detailed article on how you can begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Verse 23 tells us this. I hope with these few examples that you are eager to know the amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge in your life. Rather, in the context of the false teachers who had turned away from the faith, Peter means that if you are diligent to grow in godliness and thus confirm your calling and election, you will not turn away from God and commit apostasy as the false teachers had done (Thomas Schreiner, The New American Commentary, 1, 2 Peter, Jude [Broadman & Holman Publishers], p. 305). There could be some of both here. All rights reserved., Posted on Published: December 27, 2021- Last updated: January 10, 2023, Reuben in the Bible: The Lost Tribe & Lessons From His Life, Who was Simeon in the Bible? My prayer is that you will search them out as you continually seek to add knowledge in your life. Have we dealt drastically with all sin and every doubtful thing in these tents? in hope of eternal life, which God,who never lies,promisedbefore the ages began. We cannot even begin to discuss the wonders of King Solomon after God gave him wisdom and understanding in 1 Kings 3: 12. What biblical criteria are there? Moses looked over all the work, and indeed they had done it as God had commanded. A biblical example of the manifestation of the word of knowledge is the apostle Peters vision in Joppa. Level 7 CIPD qualified - Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. It is through the Holy Spirit that we can repent of sin. Bible study brings strength and guidance for life. Many Believers operate within a word of knowledge without even realizing it. People with knowledge can collect, remember, and access information, but they might not know what to do with that information. Have you returned to God by receiving Christ as your own personal Saviour? Psa 86:17. One of the benefits of reading scripture is that we mature as we grow in fellowship with Him and learn His commands. This kind of knowledge is based on personal experience with a matter. 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