But most of all for those we love. Stop What Youre Doing: The First Trailer For "Are You There God? "Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. opening prayer for a worship service Opening prayer for a worship service God of grace, We open our hearts, minds and souls to worship to you. Prayers can be categorized as praise (worship of God), thanksgiving, intercession (asking for something specific) and confession. The sun of Thy mercy is shining upon all, and the clouds of Thy bounty shower upon all. We celebrate their capacity for creativity, for critical thinking, for focused effort. Let Your will be done as we plan and make decisions. Amen. The apostle Paul told the church to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Bless this food [this bread] and grant that all who eat it may be strong in body and grow in your love. Expressing your gratitude and appreciation in prayer is a great way to start off your meal and evening. That is my religion. Prayer #4. Jorie Nicole McDonald leads editorial video efforts for Southern Living. We are gathered today, both religious and secular members of our community, with the shared belief that we must treat our fellow human beings with respect and dignity. Gilliard apparently believes our troops are involved in a holy war. As we celebrate them today, we ask that you bless and guide their future lives. Prayer to Bind Our Hearts and Minds God of peace, we pray for unity in our meeting today. Amen. Lord God, Thank you for your hope and grace. These prayers evoke a spirit of thankfulness and can be a good inspiration for your dinner prayer on Thanksgiving or any day. Since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in this food so may you give us a share in eternal life. Bless those whose work to prepare this meal has truly been a work of prayer, and bless all of us who shall share it with Easter love and joy. . Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere adored. Dear God, we seek Your honor in everything we do and say. We ask that You be their guide and guardian as they move through their careers with their . Amen. Below are some non-religious poems and prayers that can help you say, "Thank you," whether it's to the universe, a higher power, or to someone you love. We ask for your peace and harmony. Typically, it invites and welcomes God's presence at an event or ceremony. after we said our temporary goodbyes to our dear Alma Mater. Many groups and government bodies begin their meetings with prayers or other forms of religious invocation conducted by a chaplain or religious minister. - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 182. Your word says that all things work together for the good of those who love You, to those who are called according to Your purpose. We focus our hearts and minds on you. - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 183. Loving Father, we thank You most of all for being here in our midst. Oh god of this great universe, I thank thee for the wonderful opportunity you have given me in being a member of a Lions club, which I believe is one of the greatest humanitarian organizations in the world that is always ready to help and care for the blind and many other unfortunates. - Author Unknown. Give us balance in times of distraction and uncertainty. You know everything. I have received numerous apologies from Christians for the behavior of the Christian council members who walked out. God our Father, Lord, and Savior, thank you for your love and favor, bless this food and drink we pray, and all who shares with us today. May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds. The principles of our country are not based on God. Lord, let us not be misguided in this meeting so that we do not lead to decisions that produce ineffective results. those whose lives are more affected than our own - Christian mealtime prayer. If your club chooses to open a meeting with an invocation or pledge, always take care to respect the diversity of club members and visitors. You are our Wisdom and our Strength. Change of Command Ceremony for a Squadron/Battalion - Invocation (Christian) (written by Chaplain Daryl Densford, prayed the 5-15 CAV Change of Command Ceremony, Ft. Knox, KY, 2005) Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for this beautiful day that we can stand before you. I pray that You direct our steps so that this meeting can achieve our kingdom aims. Show us Your purposes. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. Prayer For Sports Banquet Prayer For Sports Banquet Lord, You have watched them grow in our care, to develop and flourish and to find their own way. Father, your Word says in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Graduation can bring feelings of uncertainty about the future, but we know with you we have hope. This prayer calls upon God's grace, loving-kindness, mercy, justice and righteousness to be revealed in the lives of our givers, resulting in their prosperity. May all be healed. If you desire to entertaining books, lots of novels, tale, jokes, and more ctions collections are along with launched, from We have come together as a group united in passion and purpose. This past weekend I hosted a group of women at our church for a day of fellowship, connection, and refreshment. Recruit Class Invocation and Benediction Recruit Class 131 Invocation. BENEDICTIONS & CLOSING PRAYERS O God of people and nations, we pause at the close of this meeting to acknowledge again Your sovereignty over our lives and our Country. But let us not forget that many are less fortunate. Thank you for food in a world where many know only hunger; For our faith in a world where many know fear; For friends in a world where many know only loneliness. Amen - Samuel F. Pugh. It's Me, Margaret" Is Here! - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Give us clarity so that we can effectively tackle each part of todays agenda. - Izola White. - Edward Hays. Please bless this food we are about to share, those who prepared it, those who serve it, and those who have worked to make today the special occasion that it is. You are our Light and our Fortress. We thank you for the opportunity to those who are hungry, sick and cold. Forgive us for any wrongdoing, and give us a clean heart. Help us come up with effective strategies that can enable us to move forward as a team in a meaningful way. God, we love You and we gather to carry out the tasks that You have given us in order to fulfill our purpose. 07 of 25. We pray that all voices will be heard and that we will have a mindset of inclusivity. and for those with whom we are about to share it, O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Psalm 118:24 says, This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Father, with joyful hearts in the spirit of thanksgiving, we ask you to bless this banquet and each person here. May your presence be the extra taste to this meal which we eat in the name of your son, Jesus. We humbly ask that You give wisdom, vision, and courage to those who have been chosen to be our new leaders. We ask for your inspiration and insights. We place this meeting in Your hands. A Countyman Gives Thanks - O God, Source and Giver of all things, who . Amen. Amen. Fortunately, lemonade is now being squeezed from these lemons. At a wedding, the purpose of the prayer is primarily to thank God for the food and for those who . A dear friend opened our time together with a heartfelt, inspiring prayer, and it set the tone for the entire day. We are grateful for this opportunity to honor and thank those who are leaving our ranks; first, for their dedication to the ideals of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, and secondly, for the personal sacrifices they have made to bring these ideals to many others. Let the sick and infirm rejoice, for their savior is born. Reveal problem areas and show us the best solutions that will apply. Find opening prayers for the following types of events in this article below: What better way to honor the Lord than to open our gatherings, meetings, celebrations, and services with prayer? We ask for your inspiration and insights. Help us to be unified in making the best possible decisions and to effectively carry them out. -Robert Louis Stevenson. - Harry Jewell. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Have you ever been asked to say grace before supper? As this food is about to serve us as nourishment, may we also serve one another. - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Book of Blessings, 156. You are the source of all that is good. This page is for those who are asked to pray a meeting prayer and want to construct a prayer that will not easily offend others. Who have helped to bring it to our table, Enable them to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday as they respond to the questions and concerns of tomorrow. Thank you for this dedicated group of people who have come together to serve you and this congregation. Below is a prayer that was delivered at a Cub Scout "Blue & Gold" banquet. 3 Ways Satan Is Deceiving Today's Culture, 4 Reasons Christian Singles Are Tired of the Dating Scene, How You Can Have Eternal Life Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, A Powerful Morning Prayer to Start Each Day, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Blessed are you, Lord God, king of the universe: you raised your beloved son from the dead and made him Lord of all. We praise you and give you glory through Christ our Lord. - Edward Hays. We ask you to bless their marriage, their family, and all of their relationships. May these objectives drive each of us to actively participate rather than just passively listen. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Blessed are you, loving Father, for all your gifts to us. Amen. As their parents, we thank you for our treasured children, loved from the first moment we knew of their existence. that we have been given. Prayer to Bless Meeting Eternal God, I pray that You bless us in this meeting and keep us. We are thankful for this time together. Praying at a meeting is a great way to remind everyone that God is with each and every one of us. We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit World without end. Please show us great and mighty things that we do not know so that this meeting can fulfill its role for the kingdom. We give You thanks and praise. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Father, we know you strengthen us when we link arms with each other. We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. Throughout Scripture, special occasions were celebrated by holding a banquet, when your people would congregate to eat, fellowship, and enjoy your many blessings. for the warm hospitality and for all the good memories we share. This we ask in the name of Christ, Our Heavenly Father. I don't ask you to close your eyes, but to keep your eyes constantly open to the serious issues that city government can and should solve or improve. We ask you to guide us as we read Scripture, talk about your goodness, and encourage one another in the faith. the achievements and accomplishments . Browse through these encouraging prayers for a dose of inspiration. This prayer we pray with a grateful heart. let us take this moment to offer a prayer. Amen. Before my public prayer, I privately pray and ask God to allow my closeness and love for him to show through me. We acknowledge You in all our ways, and in all our meetings, so that You will direct our paths. Prayer to the All-Knowing God God of Love, we trust in You with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. Amen. Thank you for every gift This is exactly the kind of publicity we need in the Freethought community. Our dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this food. Public prayer opens the door for displaying for others how to feel comfortable and accepted in the Father's presence. As you work together on behalf of all who live in this city, may you gain strength and sustenance from one another through reason and compassion. However, when governments and other groups refuse to stop all religious commencements and invocations, they may sometimes agree to a humanist benediction as an alternative. Obviously people who don't believe in a god are not giving thanks to God but they can say more than just "Bon Appetit!". We declare that this meeting shall be effective and Spirit-led. Scholarship Award Luncheon Prayer. Bless, O Lord, the giving of these rings, so that they who wear them may abide in peace, and continue in thy favor. O Thou Who art generous and merciful! And once refreshed, may we give new pleasure to you, who gives us all. Amen. Lord, we thank you for giving them the gift of each other. Father, we praise you for your son Jesus, who knew the happiness of family and friends, and in the love of your Holy Spirit. Expressing your gratitude and appreciation in prayer is a great way to start off your meal and evening. Bless this food [this bread] and grant that all who eat it may be strong in body and grow in your love. May all be fed. Prayer for Strength Precious God, I pray against the schemes of the devil over this meeting and instead I pray that You rule over this meeting. Amen. Thank you for their confidence to discover and explore new possbilities and knowledge to discern what is right and good and just. We have come to the last meal of this day, to our supper meal. Lord, You are the God of life that sustains every moment of our being. 1 Chronicles 29:14 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with May today be a memory that burns bright within them as they embark on life's great adventure. Wise Use of Time Prayer Lord, our Helper, enable us to wisely and efficiently manage our time in this meeting today. honor and praise. . May we be strong in virtue firm in time of trouble, and always ready to help others in time of need. Our Father in Heaven, we give thanks for the pleasure of gathering together for this occasion. Amen. Earth maker and Lord of all creation, we are mindful that this food before us has already been blessed by the sun, earth and rain. serve those who call upon us and to give of ourselves to those in. Thank you that each one is unique and brimming with potential. A Prayer for a Class Reunion I was asked to offer the "invocation" at the 50th Class Reunion of my high school the other night. Thank You, for everyone who has worked on this program. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. You are welcome in this place. Whether it's appropriate to have an invocation at your corporate, association or organizational event isn't a path I'll choose to debate. May these objectives keep us on track, and may they bond us together with a common goal. It is You who knows all things, so, Father, have Your divine way in this meeting. Many groups and government bodies begin their meetings with prayers or other forms of religious invocation conducted by a chaplain or religious minister. Help us to be men and women after. Daily, we are fed with good things, nourished by friendship and care, feasted with forgiveness and understanding. We rarely get the chance to bring everyone together, so we do not take it for granted. This we pray, in Jesus Name, Amen. PRAYER FOR 50TH CLASS REUNION. Copyright 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers. We pray that they, and we, may use our many gifts of intellect, heart, and soul to address the problems that the human community faces in bringing justice more fully into the world and in tending wisely to the lovely garden that is our earth and our home.